Historic Resources Inventory

The Historic Resources Inventory (HRI) is a database used by the City to identify properties of potential historic significance. Each property listed on the Inventory was evaluated by preservation professionals using nationwide standards and criteria.  The database is used as a planning and information tool that identifies which properties warrant more research to determine if they have historic significance.

Each property surveyed is assigned a “historic status code” indicating whether the resource is eligible for historic designation either individually or as part of a historic district.  It also indicates whether the significance is at the local (Santa Monica) level, state level (California Register of Historic Places) or whether it might be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places.

  • Levels 1 to 7 indicate possible significance, from high (1) to none (7);
  • Levels 3 and up could also have national significance.;
  • Status code subcategory “s” indicates a property is potentially significant on its own;
  • Status code subcategory “d” indicates a property that could be part of a grouping or district;
  • Status code subcategory “c” indicates a property that appears eligible for the California Register; and
  • Status code subcategory “b” indicates a property that appears eligible for the National Register.

The HRI, updated as of December 2010, includes 1,520 Santa Monica properties in all categories: residential, commercial and institutional.

Click here for more for information about the Historic Resources Inventory.