Santa Monica Preservation & Policies

The Santa Monica Conservancy is committed to preserving its valued historic buildings. Throughout the community one can see that preservation plays a critical role in connecting today’s urban environment to the city’s roots and historic development. Learn more about the history of preservation in Santa Monica as well as our City Council and our Landmarks Commission.

We are also dedicated to helping the public understand historic preservation, specifically the City of Santa Monica’s Historic Preservation Program.  The Conservancy provides guidance for owners of landmark properties, individuals interested in learning about the process of landmark designation, and how changes to the property will impact future decisions. Click on the links to learn more about Landmarks & FAQs or the Mills Act Contract.

The Historic Resources Inventory (HRI) is a database used by the City to identify properties of potential historic significance and may be helpful for your research. Each property listed on the Inventory was evaluated by preservation professionals using nationwide standards and criteria.  The database is used as a planning and information tool that identifies which properties warrant more research to determine if they have historic significance.