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Our Preservation Resource Directory is a collection of businesses recommended by other preservation-minded property owners, as part of our efforts in encouraging appropriate restoration, rehabilitation and renovation of historic structures. Our list includes current business members who have provided goods and services in the restoration of our Shotgun House as well as professionals involved in projects receiving the Conservancy’s Preservation Awards.

Important: Please Read

The Conservancy does not guarantee the work and products of those listed in the directory. Users of the directory are encouraged to review licenses, insurance coverages, references and customer ratings. Consulting with the City of Santa Monica staff for review and approvals may also be necessary before starting a preservation project on a designated property or one on the Historic Resource Inventory.

Join the Directory or Refer a Professional

Our Preservation Resource Directory is offered to the public free of charge and featured prominently on our website. Each business listing offers details about its preservation work as well as a direct link to your business. Our business members receive free listing.

If you would like to list your business in the Preservation Resource Directory,  email with your company details, logo and at least one referral from a client or professional who has worked with you on a preservation project. At this time, our Preservation Resource Directory is a complimentary benefit to our business members. Join here to become a member.